Friday, July 19, 2013

?Que has aprendido este semana?

Pues, yo he aprendido mucho este semana. Yo aprendí mucho ballet, y también yo he practicado mucho español. Ahora estoy contenta pero estoy cansada también.

Most exciting news of the day: I learned that my Spanish friend (From Spain) takes my bus every morning and afternoon. She had been taking a totally different route for the first week or so, but if I time my mornings a little differently, I can ride with her to and from the studio, which will be great! I've much enjoyed working on my Spanish with her. It's a constant struggle, but I'm learning to manage a conversation pretty well, and I'm understanding more and more of what she says. I've quite enjoyed getting to know her. Basic Spanish 1 stuff finally coming into play. "Como se llama tu hermano?" or "Cuantos años tienes?" make pretty good conversation starters. We also play the me duele(n)________ game. Where I say "me duele" then point to a body part and she tells me what it is and I try to figure out how to pronounce it.

I've got a pretty packed weekend, but for now I'm going to just take care of my feet/legs, so that I heal up over the weekend, watch some doctor who, do some homework, and eat some Ben and Jerry's ice cream. And for my father, who needs some public proclamation of affection: Yes, I do miss my family very much. Especially my goober father. But between texting and facetime, any "homesickness" I've experienced has not even remotely become hindering. I'm proud (well mostly grateful) that I've made it injury-free for two weeks, and I pray that this remains the same for the next half of my stay here.

And even though I'm technically by myself for the weekend (as Aunt Janet is in Michigan) I do not in any sense feel alone. I am now more sure than ever that I am blessed beyond comprehension in the quality and quantity of good friends and family both near and far. My heart, my soul, and (most of my body) are all quite content.

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