Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bam. Surprise.

My day began with several unexpected surprises. First, I got to the bus station right as my bus was pulling out, meaning I'd have to wait a whole 12 minutes standing awkwardly alone at the bus stop. Then I turned around and, bam, right there was a Starbucks. So then I could just wait in line for a few minutes, then at least have something to do while I waited for the bus. Then I looked around again, and, bam, there was my Spanish speaking friend, waiting for the bus too. She is never at that stop, but for some reason (that she explained too quickly for me to catch), had to take the same one as me today. So then I had a great conversation with her on the bus ride home. She taught me a swear word in Spanish. (That isn't bad in Spain, but apparently is in the Dominican Republic...) And I got to learn more about her and where she lives. It was great fun.

Then I had ballet, video analysis, hip hop, and finally contemporary. Video analysis was pretty encouraging, I learned how to pretend to have "swag" in hip hop, and had some great Jesus moments in contemporary. Dancing with Jesus is the best. And then you get brownie points with the teacher for showing "artistry".

My body is pretty sore--I need to ice well tonight, and my blisters aren't exactly healing, but they aren't getting worse. The weekend should be good for them. I stopped taking my cough medicine because I swear it was making my cough way worse than it was. Sure enough, I'm doing much better just taking a decongestant in the morning. Weird. Allergies are pretty common up here right now, though.

Also, Aunt Janet left for a business trip, so I've got the house to myself for the week. I'll be staying at people's houses/spending weekend days with several family friends and I certainly don't mind the alone time on after dance. Ms. Introvert over here is totally content microwaving leftovers and watching ballets and old doctor whos. Life is good, God is good, and I'm satisfied.

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