Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Love Ballet, I Love Ballet, I Love Ballet....

Today was interesting. Okay not really. It was pretty boring actually. Ballet class was forever long (2.5 hours) and we only spent the last 15 minutes doing "the fun stuff", as in dance-y combinations across the floor with lots of jumps and fun things. Variation was with my favorite teacher, but was only 45 minutes long, and my toes hurt a lot and my shoes were pretty dead by that point. (No pun intended). Then we had contemporary, which I like. Generally, it's very dance-y and dramatic, but the combo we did started on the floor. As in laying down, on your back for the first 20 seconds with small, isolated movements. Really hard to not fall asleep. Then we had a seminar on nutrition which was fine. I learned some newish things, like it's better to drink ice cold water because it is emptied faster from your stomach so you can drink more, but other than that it was pretty basic stuff. AP Bio pretty much covered it. (Unsaturated fats good, Saturated fats bad; fats stay longer, sugar isn't harmful in small quantities, but it isn't necessary, Diet products are evil etc.)

If you can't tell from my writing, I'm super tired. Just every muscle and joint and even my brain is just moving slowly today. I'm not in as much pain as I was; I can walk like a human being again. My toes, however are in some pretty intense pain.

Okay so yeah. This is hard. But I'm going to try to think positively here, so here' a list of some the good things that happened today:

1. The little toe saver things I bought from CVS that go over blisters did really reduce the sharp, blister popping kind of pain so there was only achey muscle and bruised toenail pain.
2. I'm getting more comfortable with my Spanish and with my Spanish speaking friends.
3. My friend from Spain did try a Pop Tart today, though she still refused humus.
4. I accidentally swore in Spanish. I was actually talking a pointe shoe in English, trying to break the shank of the shoe to better support A's foot (the shoe was not being cooperative), but I sort of mumbled in English and it sounded like I was swearing in Spanish. It initiated quite the laugh in my Spanish friends and lots of "Where did you learn that?!" and me being all confused as to what was possibly wrong with saying, "Come on, you" to the pointe shoe. It was great.
5. Found out there IS microwave at the studio that I can use so I can take leftovers (yum.)
6. I did not have to take the bus because I was offered a ride. That was super fantastic.
7. Only had to wait 45 seconds for the bus to pick me up to take me to the studio this morning. That was also really great.
8. I'm in considerably less pain in most of my skeletal muscles than I have been. Or at least I've grown accustomed to it.

So see, not an entirely terrible day. But I do definitely need sleep and a weekend. 5 more classes until I can let myself heal a bit.

Some days, like today, I have to intentionally remind myself: "I love ballet, I love ballet, I love ballet..." Because really, I know that I do, and I know there's not many other places I'd rather be right now. (Maybe somewhere in Canada, but that's beside the point). I do love ballet. I love feeling like I'm flying and floating and falling. Mostly, I love what I experience of Jesus through ballet.  But just like anything in this world, ballet itself is imperfect, and some days it's just hard to love. And it's on days like today that I'm most grateful for a God who is constant and unchanging and who loves me through all my days:  the good turning days, the bad balance days, and even the ugly arabesque days.

Here's my adaptation of a saying I've known since before I can remember, and my anthem for the day:

 I can trust that God loves me, no matter what.

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