Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just a Hop, Skip, and a Plane Ride Away

Well, I'm home. It's absolutely crazy how you can fall asleep 400 miles away from where you woke up, and still have had time to do something with your day.

I had an easy flight--no problems at security, found my gate pretty easily, flight was delayed only about 15 minutes, and found my dad no problem at the other end. I got home, ate some wonderful dinner, drove to get some frozen yoghurt with some friends and my brother, came home and spent some time with Laura and now I'm off to sleep.

Overall, I feel like these past four weeks have offered me some closure to a year of drastic change for me. I certainly learned some ballet (and hip hop and jazz etc.), made some wonderful friends, and reconnected with pseudo-family that I now love and appreciate in ways I've been too young in the past to really understand.

So this is the end of this blog, but I certainly think I'll keep new ones coming as I travel different places and dance in different areas. It's been helpful to me in processing how my experiences have affected me, and I hope it's helped keep some of you all in the loop about what and how I'm doing. I'm going to miss the food and friends and culture and weather of D.C., but it does feel really great to be in my own bed.

I'm home--safe, happy, healthy, and ready for whatever God has planned for me next!

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Guess This Is It

Well I'm done...I can't believe it's over. No gentle easing off of this, just an abrupt stop. I had 5 great classes today, said my goodbyes, ate a last supper, packed my bags and I'm flying out tomorrow. I just can't believe it. It went by so incredibly fast--I learned so much, made some great friends, reconnected with some family, and ate some really great food. I'm absolutely going to miss it, but I can't wait to be home to some banjo music, annoying siblings, and mom's cooking. (Though Aunt Janet's is absolutely stellar.)

So now the question is, "What's next?" I have no idea what God has in store for me this coming year, but I'm excited to see what he has up his sleeve.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two to Go

Had an uneventful bus ride (yay!), sweated like my dad during ballet class, learned two new styles of ballet (Balanchine and a modern-asianish thing (see link below)). 

Later, I choreographed with my Spanish friend, which was super interesting. Trying to communicate ideas is really hard. Also I learned the verb "tocar" which means to touch or to play can also be used to ask "What classes do we have today?" which was cool. We also had fun trying different tongue twisters in different languages. "Tres triste tigres traigan (something I don't remember)." That was awesome. 

Then I came home,  had some time, so I walked to a Barnes and Noble, exercised some serious self-control, metro-ed back, grabbed some groceries and walked back home. Look at me being all city-capable. I'm going to miss being able to walk everywhere like this. 2 days left. Here we go. 

(The dancer in the middle is one of my favorite teachers, Ms. Cuff)